Monday, November 3, 2014

Summary of my Source:

Godshall, Maryann.  “One hundred years of nursing: Helping each other heal.” Pediatric Nursing 25.3 (1999) : 287-305. Web. 28 Oct.  2014. 

My source is about helping and healing.The nurse who wrote this article was trying to save an eight month old child who was already dying. The baby girl, ended up dying in front of her eyes. It didn't help either that she had a daughter at home who was the exact same age. 
The nurse felt terrible and guilty that her daughter was okay, but this little girl had died. 
She reached out to the mother of the girl, and they shared exchanges over the course of the next year. Together they healed. Obviously the nurse was in a different position than the mother, but she still felt horrible that she could not save the girl. 
In the end she talks about nursing as not only a skill set, but an emotional roller coaster. It takes strength to overcome some of the tragedies you witness as a nurse, but it is quite encouraging to know that there are other people who can understand your pain and help you get through it.

My thoughts...
Nursing is a difficult profession, once again, not only skill-wise, but emotionally. It takes a toll on all involved. Am I prepared to witness and be a part of these realities? Of course not, but I think that the good will outweigh the bad, and that eventually I will get used to the pain, learn to deal with it, and move on. Focusing on the good things in life are the most important.
I want to be the best nurse I can be, so I too can say that I did everything possible to save someone's life, and hopefully I will save many. 

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