Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Interview with my ICE teacher.

What made you decide to peruse nursing?
Love for the sciences discovered in high school.
When did you decide you wanted to become a nurse?
High school

Why did you decide to become a teacher?
Nurse for a long time.
Worked in many different types of nursing.
Was teaching patients and then did presentations for a nurse teacher.
Decided to be a teacher.
Love for teaching patients translated into love for teaching future nurses.

What specific area of nursing is most interesting to you, and why?
Diabetes & Teaching Students
Got into it for because her dad had it and wanted to help people stay healthy.
Likes to see people know that they understand something she taught them, light bulb phenomenon.

Do you feel like you are helping others?
Help make a different for people.
Make their lives easier and not as bad.

Do you think you are doing what you are being called to do?

Describe how nursing makes you feel.
Pride – special profession = special people
Most trusted profession

In one sentence, describe nursing.

Nursing is an art and a science that requires caring, commitment, and patience to be able to do. 

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